About Making Art
I am fascinated by ancient ruins and archaeological artifacts - old,eroded objects made by human beings,
Traces of time rest on these objets
and they have the power to remind us of people who no longer exist.
They have lost their usefulness with the passage of time and become empty shells,
but they still exist.
I am drawn to grand landscapes created by nature.
Their overwhelming forms,emerging from never-ending changes,
show us the limits of human power.
I affirm the ephemeral productive activities of people living in the present age.
I like to think about the ways in which people in this world make things and leave them behind for others.
For me, ceramics is a method for moving back and forth between artifice and nature.
The composition of earth is transformed by high temperatures, leading to varied changes in quality.
Like rocks created by the Earth over long spans of time.
Like gem stones that always maintain their color and freshness.
Ceramic is a technique for manipulating time.
Fragility with a strong sense of tension,
Hardness creating a sense of stability.
Plastic forms that fix a sense of ephemerality
and confirm the mysterious nature of existence.
「手から」| From the Hand
寺口 淳治 |Teraguchi Junji
(てらぐち・じゅんじ/広島市現代美術館 副館長 )
From the Hand | 「手」から
Teraguchi Junji | 寺口 淳治
The kind of handwork praised by Yanagi Muneyoshi was once found all over Japan, but that was some time ago. Now we are ruled by the idea that everything is a machine or that we must depend on machines. As Yanagi feared, very few things are made by and anymore. And this situation is becoming worse. It was once thought that art could only be made by hand, but the conditions of art have changed dramatically. For one thing, artist have been giving elaborate explanations of their work until this practice no longer seems unusual. As artist talk more, they use their hands less. Also, with the emergence of new kinds of media art, artist have come to rely more and more on machine-based technologies, and even their explanations have disappeared. Human hands hardly enter into the process of making art at all. Perhaps because of these recent trends, artists use their hands even less in the making of paintings and sculptures, once thought impossible to produce without this sort of intervention. The use of the hand I am considering here is closely connected to seeing and feeling, so it can be described as totally integrated in the artist's existence. What does it mean to see a landscape or an object and make it into a work of art? Let us imagine the beginning of the process of making an artwork, whether painting or sculpture. Scenes or objects exist in front of our eyes in a nebulous way, but they come to have a more definite existence when they are given some sort of meaning and are understood as actually existing there. Making art entails dealing with indeterminate things of this kind. As has often been noted, the artist who sets out to paint an apple must have a tactile perception of its surface, move his body in order to perceive depth, and bring in their previous knowledge of what an apple is as well as noticing its color and form. He must feel while seeing and put traces of his sensations on the canvas through movements of his hand. If he approaches the canvas without realizing that the apple is an apple, however, his hand will not move. Even if he forces his hand move, the result will not be a true painting. Of course, skill and technique play a art. The work will not come into being unless the artist has cultivated the technical ability, through extensive training, to distinguish color, move the brush freely, and apply layers of paint in response to the sensations transmitted to his hand. Before an apple in front of his eyes takes form on the canvas as a painting, the artist must ask and answer many questions. In the process of making the work, he is perpetually required to make judgments, make corrections, and choose what is necessary and what is not. It is only after going through this process that the apple in front of his eyes can be given another existence as a painting. Because of the presence of physical conditions - the air around the apple, the table on which it is placed, and the wall behind it - many factors that enter into the work. The artist continues moving his hand as he deals with these factors one by one. By moving his hand, he explores both his inner life and the outside world, and this process becomes a task of confirming his own existence. The movement of the mind and spirit between inner and outer worlds in concert with the movement of the hand is a multi-faced way of knowing the world. It is important that the artist pays attention to both outside and inside. A viewer who can open himself up to artworks created in this way can gain a better knowledge of the world in which he lives.
In Yoshika Shin's recent sculptures, he takes fire and clouds as a subject. It seems that he decided to make ever-changing natural forms into the theme of his art because he was seeking more primal artistic forms in these very basic phenomena. But is that all there is to his sculpture?
Neither fire nor clouds nave a definite form. They continue to change from moment to moment but are not completely different from apple this issue carefully, everything that appears to our eyes,whether landscape or objects, are just shadows. Skillfully tracing or copying these shadows,or shifting their position, becomes the artist's ultimate purpose, and it is easy to imagine just how difficult this process is. Fixing these shifting, ephemeral forms does not mean creating a moment of stopped time but forming time as such. Apple represent a much calmer, more peaceful flow of time than fire or clouds. However, the essence of time remains the same of all these phenomena. For example, if we see a film showing the growth of an apple at accelerated speed, the changing apple shows surprising similarities to the form of fire and clouds, and these similarities make it possible to understand an important aspect of natural forms.
This is the task that Yoshika is taking on. Making large sketches while moving his hand, he works with his subjects for long periods of time. Because of nature of this process, everything does not come into view all at once. Difficult experiences and sudden encounters with unknown things occur over and over, providing nourishment for the artist. As he moves his hand while directly confronting the outside world and looking into his own mind, he gradually brings the form into being. He seeks something closely associated with the core of his existence, not just a simple image or idea.
Incredible changes have taken place in the new technology we are so dependent on today, especially during the last half century. Innovations never cease, and our lives are caught in the vortex of these changes. Art is also being transformed in response to these conditions, and it continues to attempt to understand the world by trial and error. The methods of art have also gone through endless changes, but in an age when we have ever more vivid sensations of the rapid passage of time, we can find salvation through the virtual experience in works of art of a continuous passage between inside and outside that is made possible through the intervention of the hand.
( Teraguchi Junji, Deputy Director, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art )
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